My field recording is basically done in one of two modes--for individual creatures, or for ambience or soundscapes. For these purposes I have several microphones but use primarily these: |
The Swedish-made Telinga Stereo Parabolic Microphone is the tool I use most for recording individual creatures. It is highly directional and sensitive, and yields a fine stereo image. |
For recording stereo ambience or soundscapes I use a pair of Sennheiser MKH 20 microphones in various configurations. For high sensitivity, low self-noise, and durability these are the best omni-directional mic's made. |
My most-often-used set-up for soundscape recording is this tripod-mounted SASS (Stereo Ambient Sampling System) modified to use the Sennheiser MKH-20 omni microphones. The cage is a further mod to allow placement of a windscreen over the unit. |
Here is the modSASS with long-fur wind screen, set up for rain--not pretty but it works--an ordinary umbrella covered with two layers of garden shade-cloth (changes rain-drop sound from "pop" to "fft"); umbrella struts are re-inforced with strips of split pvc pipe. This is what heavy rain sounds like:
This rig is for stereo hydrophone recording, to be suspended from a drifting boat, or from a boat anchored in little current. A ballast weight hangs from the 3 foot disc, while the hydrophones are suspended by bungee cord from the outriggers. The whole rig folds in half for transport, with or without hydrophone elements deployed. Material is bubble-wrap sandwiched in Lexan, with liberal use of Velcro. |